Aie.. Don't know how many of you have actually finished your work.. Did some math.. did some bio.. did some chem.. but there's a lot left! There's so much to do and the week we went to Sentosa seems so long ago. I'm having panic attacks too.. cannot go to sleep because I feel so guilty about not studying as hard as I should have.
But anyway.. just wanted to tell everyone that we have weeks to the prelims, and if anyone hasn't formally started studying yet (meaning: I haven't started studying yet), don't be disheartened!! Forget about the past six months, don't waste time feeling guilty, it's time to put aside all the failures and setbacks of the past months and concentrate on what's coming next. (meaning: start studying right now! not next week, not tomorrow, not later -- NOW! Haha. Okay. That was probably just for me..) Just thinking about putting everything into God's hands.. we do what we can, be obedient in each natural step that He gives us, and he'll take care of the supernatural side of our dreams! :) We can do this together.. and no one is going to be left behind, yes?
Was flipping through my bible and found a pink post sticking out:
Matthew 6:32-34
Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary reason. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
(Haha.. Well. Just hope I can put my faith into action from now on.)
united`>2:50 PM
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
minty's right!! we're all red lobsters now.. hahahha. but seriously.. i thought today was a WHOLE LOT OF FUN!! (: (: (: thanks everyone for planning!!
LEEMEY: THANKS FOR THE HEART BROWNIES THAT YOU MADE.. xing ku ni le.. it was yummy!! thanks for your hard work at ten o'clock PM.. hahha. and using the toaster to bake cos you dint know how to work your oven.. wahaha. that was classic!! okay. today's a good day..shall not suan you anymore.. hahah. thanks for your beloved camera which you brought and all took wonderful pictures with.. hehe. i thought we all looked wonderful!!! (:
ABI! : SANDY!! haha.. SANDY TOO here. lol. and in case you all still dont get the joke.. its sandy2.. haha.. we had alot of fun in the sand eh, abi? lol... and tanning and all. hahha. it was fun!! but now we gotta suffer the consequences eh.. hahha. all of us are red like tomatoes!! haha. and we're gonna peel.. :X bleahhhh. not a good thought.. but.. OH WELL. what can i say. our first outing as a WHOLE GROUP!! (: fun la. ANW. its besides the POINT. THE POINT is.. thank you for calling everybody and organising the details and all.. thanks thanks thanks!! (: you'll be the sexy woman who wore the two piece! (: haha. (besides me of course. LOL. i dont believe i just said that. too much influence by the pretty one. wahha. )
CLA: thanks for riding 961 with me and playing the guitar at outram MRT this morning where we met the rest! (: it was fun.. you and your gurmit singh.. got nothing to say la huh.. haha. RMB! blue makeup does NOT suit you so DONT wear it.. wear a lighter pink shade.. yupp. it looks better.. haha. and PLEASE wear your halter lower! its not supposed to be at your neck. its supposed to be at your chest! you do the weirdest things cla.. but i still love you.. (: hehehe.
JIA: hey woman! haha. you really surprised us eh! suddenly appearing at harbourfront today.. thought you had your prefects meeting so you didnt wanna come.. BUT YOU CAME AFTER ALL!. it was fun!! and you were the best camera woman EVER!! we all look so so so skinny.. hahhaa. you and your 5 cents ah.. haha. HELLO. dont worry la.. got us to share our food with you! we all bought enough for everyone! so dont worry.. (:
LAURA: heyy tanning partner!! (: hahah. time to flip time to flip!! haha. yuppp. tanned alot eh.. and now we're red!! nvm..its okay.. haha. maybe we stayed too long on one side.. hha. oh well. we'll be better next time.. (: hehe. and dont worry! dont have swimsuit i have plenty!! ask me ask me!! haha. i got alot of spare.. so. if you all dont have just ask me.. hehehe.
XWX!: yeah man. you came.. you came.. hehehe. although your mom wasnt too happy eh. but thats alright.. haha. did you manage to finish your math on the train? (: did you follow what i told you to do? but you must erase and do after ah.. if not waste your money paying for the papers.. yupp.. anyway. you ah. nvr tan still become darker.. NOT FAIR. haha. oh well. it was fun playing frisbee with you.. hehe.
minty: woman. stop floating in the water. thats why you nvr get darker. so dont complain.. haha. but you got darker anyway.. we all did.. hhe. so you dint become the shao zhu after all la.. hehe. and you look so pretty in all the photos.. ! (: haha. nice nice. thanks for the mats! (: hehe. oh oh oh.. i like your strawberry soap.. i shall go get it.. when i have the money!! and you woman! supposed to eat healthy and you went to buy chips ahh. tok your head ahh. haha.
ANYWAY.. today was an awesome day.. and we all had fun right.? abi! quickly upload mey's photos!! (: then can make vid.. and a collage. pass me all the photos we ever took la.. (: hehe. its gonna be beautiful!! okay guys! better go put some moisturizer and aloe vera on your skin! before we all start wrinkling and peel.. like bananas. haha. who took the leftover bananas?? i feel like having a banana now.. ): oh well. haha. i think i'm writing too much.. (X hehe. some one blog abt what happened ya. (:
united`>9:56 PM
i had a GREAT DAY! -thanks 7 of u!
united`>7:26 PM
Monday, June 13, 2005
i want the sun
i want the sun i want the sun!!
oh mr sunshine, mr golden sun. please shine down on me!
heh. hopes the sun comes out yea! then we can all become roast pigs like what minty said (: then we can save money on having a bbq. WAHAHAHAHA!
united`>5:23 PM
Heehee... I can't wait till Tuesday. Let's have a picinic!! We can wake up in the early early morning to go and buy yummy food, like fruits (Oh come on, YOU KNOW HEALTHY IS GOOD!! :D), and GLM's beloved Coke. Ok. And potato chips and whatnot. Haha. Let's buy a roasted pig.. nonono. Let's just buy a pig from the market, (live one ah!) bring a chopper, then when it's dark we build a bonfire, hack the pig, stick in through a rod, make ourselves some grass skirts and dance around it singing the Jiaen-meh-meh song. *cackle* But on second thoughts.. you just have to leave me in the sun for a few hours and you get a roasted pig already. Ew. A roast pig wearing a grass skirt. Nevermind la.. a pretty roast pig wearing a grass skirt must be quite appetizing right?
Eeyer. I digress.
I can't wait for Tuesday!! I tell you now ah. You must bring an extra change of clothes and small towel (you want I bring shampoo) and sunblock. Seriously. I MEANT IT ABOUT THE ROAST PIG. You know the last time I went to Sentosa, I was so red and crispy, people were looking at me HUNGRILY on the MRT.. Aiyah. Also maybe because it was dinner time already. But my brother kept calling me flattering names like Shao Zhu for days. PLUS, you might want to play in the water right? It's very very fun... especially if it's hot.. and the water is cool. But then the water is so salty that once you step out of it, your skin actually feels tight and thirsty (oh well. maybe because that time I stayed in the water for 4 hours..), so you'd want to bathe. And your hair will be like dry and brittle. YOU'D WANT TO BATHE BELIEVE ME!! AND YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WANT TO WEAR YOUR SWIMSUIT! I don't care.. if we're going to swim (Actually.. nobody ever said that. Haha.) i'm going to go in my clothes..
Small towel
Oh yeah. Uh oh.. Anybody having you-know-what..
Hahaha.. I always wondered what it's like wearing a tampon. Apparently it's as if you're not having your period at all. >_<>
LING JIAEN are you even back from camp?!
Nananananana everybody's going right.. Yay! Then we can take photos OUTSIDE of our school uniforms for once! Oh darn it.. I still look like a pregnant sow.
united`>12:39 PM
Saturday, June 11, 2005
hey hey you all! (:
are you free on tues 140605? we were thinking of going sentosa and chill out and have fun in the sun!! go and sai tai yang (:
around 10.30, 11 like that? harbour front mrt?
msg me whether you can or cannot ya! i'm hoping all you guys can (:
united`>4:30 AM
Friday, June 10, 2005
i'm back i'm back i'm back!! (:
can we please please go out!! not like i have any money..but who cares! as long as we all have fun and chill out rite (:
minty plus kristi plus claire! pon school siah.
chinese was boring. but i guess it was useful anyway.
ohya! i cut my hair!! its even shorter now. (: and leemey, i'm not a boy girl nor a girl boy. (:
and you all please get started on your holiday hmwk. all those exam papers. its time to get those rusty engines going again. VROOM VROOM
hope everyone's enjoying your hols. and i miss you all! miss having class and laughing at retarded stuff with you all (: love you all and take care!
united`>12:00 PM
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
MINTY! haha. i thiny you have gone crazeee. what's with all the sagginess.. think positive my dear!! if we all stop thinking our bodies have defied gravity maybe we wouldnt. haha. -pauses- nah. i think you're right.. shakes head.. ah well. at least we've got eight saggy fat people to keep each other company! (: haha.
PEOPLE! why have only me and minty been blogging??!? EH. UPDATES please. if not whats the point of having a blog right??
heheh. okay. i've heard complaints that the box is too small. fine i'll go change it. i'm gonna change the bkgrd too. i think its too moody. lets make it WHITE! (: happier brighter colour!! any objections? haha. dont care. will still go ahead with it anyway.
blah. anyway. how was the lit? MISSED YOU AT CHINESE MINTY!! you naughty girl.. how could you skip it?? poke poke. and jiaen's in malaysia!! everyone dont forget to pray for her.. (: haha. and hope she gets well too.. yupp.. NO jiaen. i was kidding about the salt water.. hha. DONT drink it or it'd get worse.. seriously. i think it'll rip open your wounds inside the throat and make t sore-er. eurgh. sounds GROSS.
united`>9:39 PM
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
AHHHHhhh yep!!
Happy BIRTHDAY leemey!!
Hahahaha.. I feel happy for you.. Sorry I can't be with you on your special birthday (aiyah nevermind. :) Still got many more centuries to go right? Plus wedding.. and first baby.. and seventh baby.. and 13th baby.. English tea parties.. awards.. GASP. END OF O LEVELS!! Womanhood.. menopause.. choosing of coffins.. Whatnot.) but I hope you had a wonderful wonderful day! haha. Clock tells me I'm not too late to wish you happy birthday anyway. Old buttsie, you're another year saggier, but don't worry. We have Botox nowadays. :D
OEI kristi!! I haven't heard you being so high for such a long time!! Hahaha I'm sure church camp must have been wonderful.. I even feel excited just reading your entry.. RARH. June holidays are a time of REJUVENATION!! Aiyah don't think of all the remedials and homework just yet. Later you get old and saggy and mad. Alrighty.. Hope everyone's feeling okay.. In case you didn't know, I've abandoned my blog and fed it to the virtual dogs because it's just too boring. THIS IS MY PERMANENT BLOG. Muahaha. Cackle with me, my evil minions. I love the colourful-ness. One day I will take over the world and make it all green and YOU (!) shall rule with me. Except I must exterminate Laura, Jiaen and Leemey because their love for pink is just too MUCH. TOO MUCH!
Swoox: I'm curious. Did you kill something?
united`>11:32 PM
Monday, June 06, 2005
haa... go read my entry.. it was really to the power of a million fun and i wish you all could be there.. and abi's away at her's now.. play hard girl!!! yay.. thanks leemey for your shout out.. (: whhee. feel so good.. haha but its all you say one what.. so not my fault.. JUST kidding.. anyway.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WOMAN!!! (: its your birthday today and wheeee. you're finally 16.. YOU'RE A BIG GIRL ALREADY AH.. time to GROW UP and not be so childish.. more word to add to the list.. and yes! we will conquer orchard road together.. when we have the money.. haha. yesyes. but whats more important is that we have each other! (: right.. and i love love love you! (:
anw.. minty.. i think you are one insane kid. who wants to roast marshmallows there. why can't we ban to somewhere more comfortable to roast marshmallows. and anyway. its our only founders day.. at most we can gate crash it.. (: but who cares anyway.. we must all have fun together someday.. throw a party get out of the house.. go swimming! ahh. haha. but i think we'd all be more depressed cos we all cant fit into the swimming costumes anymore.. :S ANYWAY. that's besides the point.. we are all going to have funn.. go to escape okay! haha. whatever it is la..
and JIAEN!! get well soon get well soon.. your sore throat sounds really horrible..drink more salt water.. no no no.. just kidding.. drink more lemon and honey water.. (: okay.. take care of yourself ya.. watch good luck! hehe.. (:
xwx ah.. how could you get lost at orchard leh.. not that difficult leh.. hehe. (: dont worry la.. next time give you tour ard orchard kaee.. (:
okay.. i need to go.. (: take care everyone..
united`>11:48 PM
Sunday, June 05, 2005
flappin' flamingoes
:D We should go out and have some fun. CYCLE. Roller-blade? PICNIC!!! Hahahaha. At least get some exercise right! (Haha but goodness knows why I bother.. I refuse to pay $70 for a plate of food, and then more money on clothes to make myself depressed when I don't fit into them.. Why? Why? Why? We should throw our own party for less than $70 at some beach and have the whole night out. MUAHAHAHA. Stay overnight and set up our own CAMP! Then we can put Outward Bound to Some Good Use. Heyyyy what a great idea! I love my brain. xD Then we can have a campfire.. and burnt marshmallows.. and creepy trees that look like murderous hands.. and we can huddle together when it gets cold at night and wonder why we agreed to sleep on cockroach-infested grounds..) Let's go out, ok?
Oh yeah.. tomorrow's Monday.. Good luck to all ye History scholars!! :D
united`>3:00 PM
Reminder: i think a princess' birthday is coming! wahahahaha :)
hello everybody! hahahahahahaha guess what? i am at Abi's house now! :) we studied this morning! heh for like an hour and a half! then we went to video ezy and then we went to 7-eleven but the mashed potato machine was spoilt! :( boo hoo. (abi thinks i'm random. but it's true!!!!) i was so sad ok? if it wasn't spoilt then i can really become even fatter.. then kristi will be SOOOOOOOOO happy :D like that!
anyway, i'm so happy the hols are finally here! haha oh yeah and i'm happy we've got every single one of us in the eightofus- too. like if not for you guys, i doubt i would have even made it through the CHinese O's. i mean, you guys do know how fantastic my chinese is ah! :p wo zhen de shi jin shan jin mei eh? :) haha i think silly abi is getting bored cos i'm typing for so long and i'm not looking at her (so she cannot look at me.. and of course cannot fully appreciate the beauty of my face!) hahahah OMG! i just remembered! i haven't handed up my english boobsie essay! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! oh no. haha maybe i'll become ms tan's favourite student now. haha i tell you guys, ms sim really really loves me ok? haha we did chem from 9am to 5pm on Thursday ok?!?!?!? hahahaha and i kept making her laugh. SEE ABI!! she loves me more!
haha but whatever it is. i love you guys. forever. besties indeed!
abi: who is sitting beside me and reading as i type, haha i'm really glad we're (dare i say) best friends again. i've missed you and it's comforting to know that the Lord really has kept us friends after all this while. here's to many more years of beautiful friendship! haha i'll love you even if you grow taller than me! hahahaha you silly Wong Hui Min / Nee2 / Minty / Boobsie * YOU ruined my math book! it's my favourite book ok? hahaha if you knew me. you'd probably think otherwise. anyways, i'm really glad we became friends this year! my partner in furthering our intellect! of course, you've been a really good listener and i'm so glad i've found another special friend to share more memories with! love you!
jiajia: eh brother! ni hao ma? zhuo tian you mei you wan smack K? you mei you bei CNB raid? haha but whatever the case, wo men shi brother! bai tian hai shi wan sang! i love you man! haha ni je ke hao lian da bo!!!! can't believe we've known each other since we were 6!!! and we haven't killed each other yet! haha :) gan bei!
kristi: YOU!!!!! say i am fat and ugly and old and what else ah? herh! i don't want to think anymore! bu kan she xiang! haha we've really grown closer and i hope you'll continue sharing stuff with me. it's been a pleasure being pals with you. haha i can't wait till the day we finally go shopping together.. WITH MONEY!!!! hahaahahahahaha love ya!
weixin: heyhey. you've been so quiet these past few days, miss the old swooxie who would scream like crazy! come back k? but no matter what happens, all of us will always be here for you/ never doubt that ok? ever.
laura: haha my tong zhuo! the girl who i never say more than one sentence to even though we sit together! wow! can't believe we've sat together for coming to two years! hahahahaha continue to let love guide your actions! love you!
claire: indeed we've come along way from our primary school squabbles haven't we? haha hope you find your true love soon! and WAKE UP DURING LESSON TIME OK? haha let mr yeo pick on me instead of you la! haha i get so bored in math when he doesn't! :p haha friends forever!
love you guys! thanks for everything. wouldn't be here without you guys.
united`>9:55 AM
Saturday, June 04, 2005

lunchbox day!! all of us look so happy (:
united`>9:03 PM

eh..we were retarded..that's minty's hand (:
united`>9:02 PM

in the bus..going for lunch after studying
united`>9:02 PM

i love this!! quan jia fu! (:
united`>9:01 PM

waiting for mrt
united`>8:59 PM

minty minty minty!
united`>8:59 PM

united`>8:57 PM

mws flagday (:
united`>8:55 PM

haha. that's us!! (:
united`>8:53 PM